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Dr. Jonathan Borak, MD
Dr. Jonathan Borak is Clinical Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health and Clinical Professor of Medicine at Yale University. He is also Adjunct Associate Professor of Occupational Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. He received his BA with Honors from Amherst College and earned his MD at New York University. He completed a residency in internal medicine at Montreal’s Royal Victoria Hospital, was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholar at McGill University, and a Postdoctoral Fellow in Internal Medicine at Yale University. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine, and Toxicology and is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the Royal College of Physicians of Canada, and the Academy of Toxicological Sciences.
Dr. Borak is currently Chair of the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) and a former member of the ACOEM Board of Directors. He was a founding member of US EPA's National Advisory Committee to Develop Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Hazardous Substances from 1996-2006 and served on the National Research Council Committee on Toxicologic Assessment of Low-Level Exposures to Chemical Warfare Agents. Among his various professional activities, he served on the National Faculty of the American Heart Association, as Councilor of the American College of Emergency Physicians, on National committees of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, as President of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Association of Connecticut and the Connecticut College of Emergency Physicians, and as Chairman of the Connecticut State Medical Society Committees on Emergency Medical Services and on Preventive Medicine.
Dr. Borak is a member of the Editorial Boards of Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, and Occupational Medicine. He served as Associate Editor of OEM Report and as a member of the Editorial Board of the American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. He is an editorial board reviewer for numerous journals including Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Toxicological Sciences, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, and other peer-reviewed publications. He was Associate Editor of A Practical Approach to Occupational and Environmental Medicine (3rd Ed) (Lippincott, 2003), editor of the Core Curriculum in Environmental Medicine (ACOEM, 1994), principal author of Medical Management Guidelines for Acute Chemical Exposures (ATSDR, 1994), senior author of a textbook on toxic emergencies (Hazardous Materials Exposure: Emergency Response and Patient Care, Prentice-Hall, 1991) and is an on-going Peer Reviewer for ATSDR's Case Studies in Environmental Medicine and Medical Management Guidelines for Acute Chemical Exposures.