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Howard Cohen: Representative Publications
Books and Chapters
Cohen HJ: A Study of Formaldehyde Exposures from Metalworking Fluid Operations using Hexahydro-1, 3, 5-Tris (2-hydroxyethyl)-S-Triane. In: Proceedings of the Industrial Metalworking Environment: Assessment and Control. American Automobile Manufacturer's Association, Dearborn, 1995.
Cohen HJ: Respiratory Protective Devices. In: DiBernardinis LJ (ed). Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health, John Wiley, New York, 1999.
Journal Articles:
Cohen HJ and others: Development of a field method for evaluating the service lives of organic vapor cartridges. Part I: Results of laboratory testing using carbon tetrachloride. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 50:486-495, 1989; Part II: Humidity effects. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 51:575-580, 1990; Part III: Results of laboratory testing using binary organic vapor mixtures. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 52:34-43, 1991; Part IV: Results of field validation trials. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 52:263-270, 1991.
Borak J, Cohen HJ, Hethmon TA: Copper exposure and metal fume fever: Lack of evidence for a causal relationship. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 61:832-836, 2000.
Cohen HJ, Borak J, Hall T, Sirianni G, Chemerynski S: Exposure of miners to diesel exhaust particulates in underground nonmetal mines. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 63:651-658, 2002.
Cohen HJ, Sirianni G, Chemerynski S, Wheeler R, Borak J: Observations on the suitability of the Aethalometer for vehicular and workplace monitoring. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 54:1258-1262, 2002.
Endander RT, Cohen HJ, Gute DM, Brown LC, Desmaris AMC, Missaghian R:Lead and methylene chloride exposures among automotive repair technicians. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 1:119-126, 2004.
Cohen H,White EM: Metalworking fluid mist occupational exposure limits: A discussion of alternative methods. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 3:501–507, 2006.